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来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-06-14 编辑:admin 手机版

With the economic development and progress of science and technology, the media of the network is playing a more and more important role in news report. Compared with traditional media, because of the media's unique news briefing of network and method of service, have gained more and more audiences' favor . In recent years, the sudden incident has frequently happened, because its sudden and great influence that the institute cause, will become the focus that whole society , the public pay close attention to and focus that each news media report within one period . And the sudden incident report is a very important standard of weighing a media strength and level, if establishing in an unassailable position in the media competition that is nowadays encouraged , must do a good job of the report of the sudden incident . The media of the network is no exception. Xinjiang Urumchi city take place had over the past 53 years park the warm incident by a large scale will it be December one year, the residents of all families have spent several days in the cold in the city, this caused the national attention, paid close attention to by medias at the same time , relevant reports are countless . This text try on through every media to Urumchi city park relevant content and form of report carry on quantitative analysis warm by a large scale, to analyse the characteristic of the media's sudden incident report of network of today in the 21st century.


Along with the development and technological advances of the economy, the network medium report an aspect in the news exertive more and more important function.Compared with the traditional medium, release because of the special news of the network medium and the service method, won to be subjected to many favor more and more.In the last few years, multifarious occurrence of abrupt sex affairs, because of its brupt and result in of important influence, will become the focus that a little bit hot and each news medium of the whole society, large and public concern report the way in a period.And abrupt sex affairs report way is very important standard that measures a medium real strenght and levels, toing sign the report way that have to grasp the very abrupt sex affairs in the invincible position in medium competition encourage nowadays.The network medium are no exception.Xinjiang Urumqi City of December of 06 years takes place the big area that 53 in the last yearses don't have to stop the warm affairs, a residents spent in the chill several days, this matter caused the value of the nation, at the same time drive large medium concern, the related report way is countless.This text tries to pass each medium to carry on the quantity to turn the analysis to the contents and forms of big area in Urumqi City stop warm related report way, analytical 21 centuries of today network medium abrupt sex affairs requites the characteristics of the way.

The younger brother kneels to beg the top English of this article translation, still asking each English talented person to help the help

