物联网 > > 解决方案 > 通讯公司投诉信,投诉原因及解决方案英语作文


来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-09-03 编辑:admin 手机版




Once I had a problem with mymom, I was so upset that I had to ask my best friend Tom for help.

I called him on the phone and told him about the details of my problem.

He listened carefully to me and then he thought about it.

Finally , he asked me to write a letter to my mom and say sorry to her for what i did.

Thanks to Tom’s help, my mom was so happy that I have grown up as a man.

I learned that with a problem, the best thing to do is ask someone for advice!


三、关于雾霾产生原因 人们该如何解决雾霾 …英语作文

The weather of these days is really bad. It’s foggy and there is

haze in the air. So, we can’t see the things very far. Every morning,

when I pull back the curtain, I only can see the building dozens miles

away. When I go to school, I must be very careful when I go across the

street. Besides, the air is dirty because of the haze. I even feel hard

to breathe. My mother tells me to wear a respirator. I do as she tells.

Because of the bad weather, car accidents happen more frequently. I hope

drivers can drive more carefully and keep safe.




