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来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-06-10 编辑:admin 手机版


Since the 1950s, American presidents have beengoing to Camp David in the mountains of Maryland,just outside Washington, D.C. They have traveledthere to rest or hold meetings away from the noiseof the city and the news media.

But President Barack Obama rarely goes to thecamp. Now, at least one business is closing in nearbyThurmont, Maryland.

Over the years, world leaders have gathered at CampDavid to meet with the U.S. president or forsummits. The mountain hideaway is where differences between leaders or countries wereworked out. For example, Camp David is where the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt wassigned in 1979, during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

The summits and presidential holidays put the sleepy town of Thurmont on the world map. ButPresident Obama has used Camp David less often than the presidents before him. He rarelyholds summits there and does not visit often.

So now Thurmont’s Cozy Inn is preparing to close. Since 1929, the Cozy Inn has provided foodand drink to generations of White House aides, international delegations and reporters.

Gerald Freeze is the owner of the landmark hotel.

When you have the large summits of course you've got your name all over the paper and thatattracted people to the area and you got more notoriety. With this president not being hereand not having any large summits has certainly had some effects.

John Kinnaird is the mayor of Thurmont, Maryland. He grew up watching presidents drive upand down this road. He saw every president from Dwight Eisenhower to George W. Bush. Buthe says he never saw President Obama.

Other presidents seemed to spend a lot of time at Camp David -- a lot of weekends. It's agreat place, a great family place. They have all kinds of activities of up there. President Obamafor some reason doesn't take advantage of it.

For pleasure, President Obama often travels to Hawaii or Chicago, Illinois. When Mr. Obama hascome to Camp David, he usually travels by helicopter. He does not drive through the town.

This has led to a loss of business for places like the Cozy Inn. The inn was home to the barwhere White House Press Secretaries, reporters and diplomats could go after work. EvenWinston Churchill once had a beer and a hamburger there.

On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry met with Afghan leaders at Camp David. GeraldFreeze says he did not know about the meetings. Mr. Freeze is sorry he will not be able to serveofficials or reporters who visit Camp David.

Unfortunately, we won't be open. I hope they accomplish a lot. They have so much to getdone to get everything in the world straightened out.

For years, the Cozy Inn provided a gathering place for officials and reporters to talk and have ameal. Its closing marks the end of an era. Now, the indirect role the Cozy Inn played in thesearch for world peace has come to an end as well.



