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来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-06-10 编辑:admin 手机版


BEIJING, Feb. 22 -- China planned to cut its water consumption for per unit GDP growth by 20 percent by the end of 2010, or an annual drop of four percent during the 2006-2010 period, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.

According to the target, a total of 69 billion cubic meters of water will be saved in the five-year period through reduction of per unit GDP water consumption.

Statistics from the ministry show that China's per 10,000 yuan GDP water consumption was 399 cubic meters in 2004, about four times the world average and eight times that of the United States and other developed countries.

China's water consumption for per 10,000 yuan industrial added value was 196 cubic meters in 2004, compared with less than 50 cubic meters in developed countries.

China only had 60 percent to 65 percent of its industrial water recycled, compared with 80 percent to 85 percent in developed countries.

There is huge potential for water saving in China, said Wang Shucheng, minister of water resources.

According to plan, China will establish 100 pilot projects in water saving in the 2006-2010 period and successful experiences drawn from the pilot projects will be popularized across the country.

China will also control the gross amount of water consumption and sets water consumption quotas to reach the goal of water saving.

Localities will be required to establish their mechanism to manage use of water.

Currently, China's per capita water resources is about 2,200 cubic meters, or one-fourth of the world's average.


Copenhagen 2009 was a climate change years. December 7 to 18, world leaders will gather in the Danish capital of Copenhagen to discuss the Kyoto Protocol the first commitment period (2008 ~ 2012) after the end of the global response to climate change, the road where to go for the post-Kyoto era actions set the tone. The implementation of the agreement, taking into account operational aspects of the time-consuming, if the Copenhagen Protocol can not at this year's Conference of the Parties to reach a consensus and adopted, then in 2012, Kyoto Protocol commitment period after the expiration of the first world will not a common document to restrain greenhouse gas emissions. This will result in action to curb global warming, has suffered major setbacks affect our survival in the air, water, land and food. Because of this reason, this meeting is widely regarded as the human action to curb global warming, the last chance, will determine the future of humanity and the planet.

哥本哈根会议 2009年是一个“气候变化年”。12月7日至18日,世界各国领导人将齐聚丹麦首都哥本哈根,商讨《京都议定书》第一个承诺期(2008年~2012年)结束后,全球应对气候变化的道路何去何从,为后京都时代定下行动的基调。 考虑到协议的实施操作环节所耗费的时间,如果《哥本哈根议定书》不能在今年的缔约方会议上达成共识并获得通过,那么在2012年《京都议定书》第一承诺期到期之后,全球将没有一个共同文件来约束温室气体的排放。这将导致人类遏制全球变暖的行动遭到重大挫折,影响我们赖以生存的空气、水、土地以及食物。也因为这个原因,本次会议被广泛视为是人类遏制全球变暖行动最后的一次机会,它将决定人类和地球的未来。

