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企业文化 简称什么?

来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-07-01 编辑:admin 手机版

一、企业文化 简称什么?



二、企业文化 英文翻译

Corporate Culture


Zhangzhou New Zealand cuisine Tak services and business leader strategy as a guide, for the community, customers, employees wholehearted dedication, we will continue to uphold the supremacy customers, quality first purpose, carefully casting, for the community, to create the greatest value for customers. With new concepts, new ideas, new methods, new mechanisms lead, constantly better ourselves continuously forge ahead.

Zhangzhou New Zealand cuisine and trustworthiness of the German uphold. Honesty and trustworthiness are social, interpersonal criteria is the socialist market economy the basic requirements of the enterprise is to dealing career of the party. Kangyuan enterprises to achieve the aims and objectives in the intense market competition order to survive, the big development, it should say trustworthy, one heart and one mind, the community, customers and trustworthy, mutual trust and frank honest; Departments, on the lower level between the stresses and trustworthy, the overall situation, solidarity and cooperation; Peer, employees and trustworthiness, mutual understanding and harmony work.

Zhangzhou New Zealand cuisine Tak consistent and sincere forever corporate purposes, defined continuous improvement and striving for excellence. Enterprise Development Goals. Accordingly, the internal and lay a good foundation, build up experience, expand market share and pay attention to training and building a high-quality personnel, we have reached the target prerequisite for enterprises.


English Translation: enterprise culture business purpose and spirit of enterprise and business strategy and business philosophy and corporate obligation. The new idea and the new level and new world. Wait on line urgently thank you for new year's Eve chivalrous swordsman 望采纳

