物联网 > > 解决方案 > 英语作文社会的污染问题我们该怎么解决80词


来源:https://www.wlworld.com.cn 时间:2024-06-23 编辑:admin 手机版


As time pass by,the pollution of environment is becoming worse and worse. Ways to solve this problem are also been heat discussing.In my views ,the only measure should be taken is the awareness of ourselves.Everybody should take part in this problem because the earth is ours.Saving water and electricity,planting trees and flowers,all we should do is protect our blue planet.If everyone to do so,the world will become more and more beautiful.


Today, China's social medical problem is the social focus of several prominent topic of hot spots. China's high cost of health care? Your doctor's treatment difficult issue, as early as 10 years ago began to be the concern of the community. Until now, the majority of patients with this feeling of helplessness and still heavy. It is hoped that the sky suddenly fell a way to solve this problem, but good intentions have yet to become reality.

To the development of medical technology today, there are still many helpless. The limitations of medical technology, with a decision to pay the medical expenses, it can not necessarily bring about a satisfactory medical service return 在今天,中国社会医疗问题是几个突出的社会焦点话题中的热点。中国的医疗费用高昂吗?看病难看病贵的问题,早在十几年前就开始受到社会的关注。直到现在,广大患者对此的感受仍然沉重而无奈。人们希望天上忽然降临一个办法能够解决这个难题,但是良好的愿望至今尚未变为现实。




1 the neighbor through consumption market to buy back from fake food poisoning


2 calls for the social from all walks of life pay attention to food hygiene in illegal security vendor

四、问题的解决办法 用英语怎么说

The solution of the problem

